Tips for Helping a Veteran with PTSD
Tips for Helping a Veteran with PTSD
If you have a friend or family member who is troubled by PTSD, don't give up on them. Try to view their symptoms as symptoms instead of character flaws. Go the extra mile by researching treatment in their area and offer to take them to their appointment.
If you're in an intimate relationship with a veteran, remember that watertight boundaries are vital to
your health, the veteran's health, and the health of your children. Sometimes we worry so much about
our suffering loved one that we forget to care for and protect ourselves. Always seek social support to
help you stay grounded and get a therapist of your own to help you navigate the confusing expectations,boundaries, and appropriate consequences.
Know that you are not alone in what you've experienced no matter how bad it may seem. Keeping these secrets to protect or respect them only causes them more harm. Talk to someone. Don't stop talking until you have built a loving, knowledgeable, ethical tribe around your family.
AUTHOR - Rachel Terry is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Texas. She has worked with many individuals and families in crisis. She's passionate about educating the community about veteran's issues, because her husband is a combat veteran.
Rachel is the owner and operator of The Hope Place Counseling Services, PLLC.
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